********** Properties ********** Header ====== .. figure:: /images/compositing_introduction_header.png Compositing Specific Options. Use Nodes Enables basic compositing set up with a :doc:`Render Layer Node ` and a :doc:`Composite Node `. Backdrop Enables the use of a backdrop using a :doc:`Viewer Node `. Backdrop Channels See below. Auto Render Re-render and composite changed layer when edits to the 3D scene are made. Backdrop ======== .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox | Panel: :menuselection:`Properties editors --> Backdrop` .. figure:: /images/compositing_introduction_backdrop.png :align: right Backdrop Options. Backdrop Channels Set the image to be displayed with *Color*, *Color and Alpha*, or just *Alpha*. Zoom Sets how big the backdrop image is. Offset Change the screen space position of the backdrop, or click the *Move* button, or shortcut :kbd:`Alt-MMB` to manually move it. Fit Automatically scales the backdrop to fit the size of the Node editor. Performance =========== .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox | Panel: :menuselection:`Properties editors --> Performance` .. figure:: /images/compositing_introduction_performance.png :align: right Performance Settings. This panel help you to tweak the performance of the compositor. Render Sets the quality when doing the final render. Edit Sets the quality when making edits. Chunk Size Max size of a title (smaller values give a better distribution of multiple threads, but more overhead). OpenCL This allows the use of an OpenCL platform to aid in rendering. Generally, this should be enabled unless your hardware does not have good OpenCL support. Buffer Groups Enables buffering of group nodes to increase the speed at the cost of more memory. Two Pass Use two pass execution during editing: first calculate fast nodes, the second pass calculate all nodes. Viewer Border This allows to set an area of interest for the backdrop and preview. The border is started by :kbd:`Ctrl-B` and finished by selection of a rectangular area. :kbd:`Ctrl-Alt-B` discards the border back to a full preview. This is only a preview option, final compositing during a render ignores this border. Highlight Highlights the nodes that are being calculated by the compositor.