.. Editors Note: This page gets copied into :doc:`` .. Editors Note: This page gets copied into :doc:`` .. Editors Note: This page gets copied into :doc:`` ************************* Hue Saturation Value Node ************************* .. figure:: /images/compositing_nodes_color_hue-saturation-value.png :align: right Hue Saturation Node. This node applies a color transformation in the HSV color space. Called "Hue Saturation Value" in shader and texture context. Inputs ====== Factor Controls the amount of influence the node exerts on the output image. Image Standard image input. Properties ========== The transformations are relative shifts. In the shader and texture context the following properties are available as input sockets. Hue Specifies how the hue rotation of the image. 360° are mapped to (0 to 1). The hue shift of 0 (-180°) and 1 (+180°) have the same result. Saturation A saturation of 0 removes hues from the image, resulting in a grayscale image. A shift greater 1.0 increases saturation. Value Value is the overall brightness of the image. De/Increasing values shift an image darker/lighter. Outputs ======= Image Standard image output. Hue/Saturation Tips =================== Some things to keep in mind that might help you use this node better: Hues are vice versa A blue image, with a Hue setting at either end of the spectrum (0 or 1), is output as yellow (recall that white, minus blue, equals yellow). A yellow image, with a Hue setting at 0 or 1, is blue. Hue and Saturation work together. So, a Hue of 0.5 keeps the blues the same shade of blue, but *Saturation* can deepen or lighten the intensity of that color. Gray & White are neutral hues A gray image, where the RGB values are equal, has no hue. Therefore, this node can only affect it with *Value*. This applies to all shades of gray, from black to white; wherever the values are equal. Changing the effect over time The Hue and Saturation values can be animated with a *Time Node* or by animating the property. .. note:: Tinge This HSV node simply shifts hues that are already there. To colorize a gray image, or to add a tint to an image, use a mix node to add in a static color from an RGB input node with your image. HSV Example =========== .. figure:: /images/compositing_nodes_color_hue-saturation_example.jpg :width: 700px A basic example.