.. Editors Note: This page gets copied into :doc:`` .. Editors Note: This page gets copied into :doc:`` ********** Value Node ********** .. figure:: /images/compositing_nodes_input_value.png :align: right Value Node. The *Value Node* is a simple node to input numerical values to other nodes in the tree. Inputs ====== This node has no input sockets. Properties ========== Single numerical value (floating point). Outputs ======= Value The value set in the options. Example ======= In the example below the *Value Node* is used to control multiple values at once, this make the node a useful organizational tool. .. figure:: /images/compositing_nodes_input_value_example.jpg Example of the *Value Node*. .. tip:: From this you can also make different values proportional to each other by adding a :doc:`Math Node ` in between the different links.