.. |pivot-icon| image:: /images/editors_3dview_object_transform-control_pivot-point.png ************************ Manipulate Center Points ************************ .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox | Mode: Object Mode and Pose Mode | Header: |pivot-icon| Manipulate Center Points | Hotkey: :kbd:`Alt-Comma` When this option is enabled, the transformation will change the positions of the object’s origins, but will not affect the object itself. .. figure:: /images/editors_3dview_object_transform-control_pivot-point_manipulate-center-points_button.png Manipulate Center Points button. In the examples below, a comparison of the scaling and rotation of objects, when *Manipulate Center Points* is enabled (middle) and disabled (right). .. figure:: /images/editors_3dview_object_transform-control_pivot-point_manipulate-center-points_rotate.png Rotation example. .. figure:: /images/editors_3dview_object_transform-control_pivot-point_manipulate-center-points_scale.png Scaling example.