***************** Multicam Selector ***************** The Multicam Selector strip is used for multi camera editing. Multi camera editing is when a scene is recorded using multiple cameras from different angles and then edited together after words. This process can be rather easy in the :abbr:`VSE (Video Sequence Editor)` if you properly setup every to improve your workflow. Options ======= Source Channel The channel which the Multicam Selector gets its input from. Cut To Cuts the Multicam strip at the current frame an changes the *Source Channel* automatically to the selected channels. Workflow ======== #. First your going to want to add in each of your video strips. #. Next, you will want to sync all your cameras by either using :doc:`Audio Waveforms ` or by the movement of objects. .. tip:: To make syncing strips easier you can group cameras, there audio, and there effects together using :doc:`Meta Strips `. #. Add a viewer region for every input channel and to improve performance use 25% proxies. #. Add a Multicam Selector strip *above* all the channel tracks. After completing these steps you should get something similar to the image below: .. figure:: /images/editors_sequencer_stips_mulitcam.png Multi camera editing setup. #. Now select the multicam strip, if you take a look at the strip options (Properties region), you will notice, that multicam is a rather simple effect strip: It just takes a selected channel as its input. That is all. The magic comes with the convenient keyboard layout. #. When you select the multicam strip, the keys 1-9 are mapped to the cut buttons. So, select the multicam strip and start playback and press the keys for the correct input while watching the individual cameras. #. You will end up with a small multicam selector strip for every cut. In reality, it boils down to: watch a few seconds to see, what is coming, watch it again and do a rough cut using the number keys, do some fine tuning by selecting the outer handles of two neighboring multicam for A/B rolling.