******* Regions ******* An Editor is subdivided into regions. Main Region =========== At least one region is always visible. It is called the main region and is the most prominent part of the editor. Each editor has a specific purpose, so the main region and the availability of additional regions are different between editors. See specific documentation about each editor in the :doc:`Editors ` chapter. .. _ui-region-header: Header ====== A header is a small horizontal strip with a lighter gray background, which sits either at the top or bottom of the area. All editors have a header acting as a container for menus and commonly used tools. :ref:`Menus ` and buttons will change with the editor type and the selected object and mode. .. figure:: /images/modeling_meshes_introduction_3d-view-header-object-mode.png The Header of the 3D View editor. If you move the mouse over an area, the header of its editor changes to a slightly lighter shade of gray. This means that it is "focused". All hotkeys you press will now affect the contents of this editor. The header can be hidden with :kbd:`Alt-F9`. Tool Shelf ========== The *Tool Shelf* by default on the left side contains the tool settings. :kbd:`T` toggles the visibility of Tool Shelf Region. Operator Panel -------------- The Operator panel is a region that is part of the Tool Shelf containing only one panel. In the 3D View it displays the properties of the :ref:`last operator ` executed and in the File Browser the file import/export options. Properties Region ================= The *Properties Region* is by default on the right side. It contains :ref:`Panels ` with settings of objects within the editor and the editor itself. :kbd:`N` toggles the visibility of Properties Region. Arranging ========= Scrolling --------- A region can be scrolled vertically and/or horizontally by dragging it with the :kbd:`MMB`. If the region has no zoom level, it can be scrolled by using the :kbd:`Wheel`, while the mouse hovers over it. Changing the Size and Hiding ---------------------------- Resizing regions works the same way as :doc:`/interface/window_system/areas` by dragging their border. To hide a region scale it down to nothing. A hidden region leaves a little plus sign (see picture). By :kbd:`LMB` on this, the region will reappear. The Tool Shelf and Properties region have a shortcut assigned to toggle between hide and show. .. list-table:: Hiding and showing the Header. * - .. figure:: /images/interface-window_system-headers-hide.png - .. figure:: /images/interface-window_system-headers-show_02.png Position -------- To flip a region from one side to the opposite press :kbd:`F5`, while the Region is under the mouse pointer. The header can also be flip by :kbd:`RMB` on it and select the appropriate item from the pop-up menu. If the header is at the top, the item text will read "Flip to Bottom", and if the header is at the bottom the item text will read "Flip to Top".