************ Introduction ************ Blender provides a variety of tools for editing meshes. These are tools used to add, duplicate, move and delete elements. These are available through the *Mesh Tools* shelf, the Mesh menu in the 3D View header, and context menus in the 3D View, as well as individual shortcut keys. .. note:: All the "transform precision/snap" keys :kbd:`Ctrl` and/ or :kbd:`Shift` work also for all these advanced operations... However, most of them do not have :doc:`axis locking ` possibilities, and some of them do not take into account :doc:`pivot point ` and/or :doc:`transform orientation ` either. These transform tools are available in the *Transform* section of the *Mesh* menu in the header. Note that some of these can also be used on other editable objects, like curves, surfaces, and lattices. Accessing Mesh Tools ==================== The mesh tools are found in various places, and available through shortcuts as well. Mesh Tools Shelf ---------------- When you select a mesh and :kbd:`Tab` into edit mode, the *Tool Shelf* changes from *Object Tools* to *Mesh Tools*. These are only some of the mesh editing tools. Menus ----- The *Mesh* menu is located in the header. Some of the menus can be accessed with shortcuts: :kbd:`Ctrl-F` brings up the Face tool menu :kbd:`Ctrl-E` brings up the Edge tool menu :kbd:`Ctrl-V` brings up the Vertex tool menu