.. TODO/Review: {{review|}}. ************** Loop Subdivide ************** Loop Cut and Slide ================== .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox | Mode: Edit Mode | Panel: :menuselection:`Tool Shelf --> Tools --> Mesh Tools --> Add: Loop Cut and Slide` | Hotkey: :kbd:`Ctrl-R` *Loop Cut* splits a loop of faces by inserting a new edge loop intersecting the chosen edge. The tool is interactive and has two steps: Usage ----- Pre-visualizing the Cut ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After the tool is activated, move the cursor over a desired edge. The cut to be made is marked with a magenta colored line as you move the mouse over the various edges. The to-be-created edge loop stops at the poles (tris and n-gons) where the existing face loop terminates. Sliding the new Edge Loop ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once an edge is chosen via :kbd:`LMB`, you can move the mouse along the edge to determine where the new edge loop will be placed. This is identical to the :ref:`Edge Slide tool `. Clicking :kbd:`LMB` again confirms and makes the cut at the pre-visualized location, or clicking :kbd:`RMB` forces the cut to exactly 50%. This step is skipped when using multiple edge loops (see below) .. list-table:: * - .. figure:: /images/loopcut-before.png :width: 200px Mesh before inserting edge loop. - .. figure:: /images/loopcut-preview.png :width: 200px Preview of edge loop location. - .. figure:: /images/loopcut-placement.png :width: 200px Interactive placement of edge loop between adjacent loops. Options ------- The options are available while the tool is in use, and later in the Operator panel. Loop Cut ^^^^^^^^ Number of Cuts :kbd:`Wheel` or :kbd:`PageUp` / :kbd:`PageDown` After activating the tool, but before confirming initial loop location, you can increase and decrease the number of cuts to create, by entering a number with the keyboard, scrolling :kbd:`Wheel` or using :kbd:`PageUp` and :kbd:`PageDown`. .. note:: When creating multiple loops, these cuts are uniformly distributed in the original face loop, and you will *not* be able to control their positions. .. list-table:: * - .. figure:: /images/loopcut-multicut.png :width: 250px Preview of multiple edge loops. - .. figure:: /images/loopcut-multicut-after.png :width: 250px Result of using multiple cuts. Smoothing :kbd:`Alt-Wheel` Smoothing causes edge loops to be placed in an interpolated position, relative to the face it is added to, causing them to be shifted outwards or inwards by a given percentage, similar to the *Subdivide Smooth* tool. When not using smoothing, new vertices for the new edge loop are placed exactly on the pre-existing edges. This keeps subdivided faces flat, but can distort geometry, particularly when using :doc:`Subdivision Surfaces `. Smoothing can help maintain the curvature of a surface once it is subdivided. .. list-table:: * - .. figure:: /images/loopcut-unsmooth.png :width: 250px Added edge loops without smoothing. - .. figure:: /images/loopcut-smooth.png :width: 250px Same edge loops, but with smoothing value. Falloff ToDo. Edge Slide ^^^^^^^^^^ Even :kbd:`E` Only available for single edge loops. This matches the shape of the edge loop to one of the adjacent edge loops. (See :ref:`Edge Slide tool ` for details). Flip :kbd:`F` When Even is enabled, this flips the target edge loop to match. (See :ref:`Edge Slide tool ` for details). Offset Edge Slide ================= .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox | Mode: Edit Mode | Panel: :menuselection:`Tool Shelf --> Tools --> Mesh Tools --> Add: Offset Edge Slide` | Hotkey: :kbd:`Ctrl-Shift-E` Add two edge loops on either side of selected loops. Cap Endpoint ToDo. Edge Slide See :ref:`Edge Slide tool `.