********** Properties ********** .. figure:: /images/modeling_surfaces_introduction_nurbs-properties.png Surface Properties. The panels of the *Curve and Surface* tab are the same as for :doc:`curves `, just with fewer options... Shape ===== .. figure:: /images/modeling_surfaces_introduction_resolution-panel.png Shape panel. You can adjust the resolution separately for both preview and render, to not slow things down in the viewport, but still get good render results. Preview U, V Render U, V Active Spline ============= Closed and Open Surfaces ------------------------ Like curves, surfaces can be closed (cyclical) or open, independently in both directions, allowing you to easily create a tube, donut or sphere shape, and they can be drawn as "solids" in *Edit Mode*. This makes working with surfaces quite easy. Bézier ------ Endpoint -------- Just like with :ref:`NURBS curves `, NURBS surfaces have two knot vectors, one for each U and V axis. Here again, they can be one of *Cyclic*, *Endpoint*, or *Bézier*, with the same properties as for curves. And as with curves, only open surfaces (in the relevant direction) are affected by this setting... .. _fig-surface-intro-endpoint: .. figure:: /images/modeling_surfaces_introduction_endpoint.png Endpoint U. In Fig. :ref:`fig-surface-intro-endpoint` the U interpolation axis is labeled as "U" and the V interpolation axis is labeled as "V". The U's interpolation axis has been set to *Endpoint* and as such the surface now extends to the outer edges from E1 to E2 along the U interpolation axis. To cause the surface to extend to all edges you would set the V's axis to *Endpoint* as well. Order ----- One more time, this property is the same as with :ref:`NURBS Curves `; it specifies how much the control points are taken into account for calculating the curve of the surface shape. For high Orders 1 the surface pulls away from the control points, creating a smoother surface by assuming that the `Resolution`_ is high enough. For lowest Orders 2 the surface follows the control points, creating a surface that tends to follow the grid cage. .. _fig-surface-intro-order: .. figure:: /images/modeling_surfaces_introduction_order.png Order 2 and order 4 surface. For illustration purposes, in both Fig. :ref:`fig-surface-intro-order`, the knot vectors were set to *Endpoint*, causing the surface to extend to all edges. You can set independently the order for each interpolation axis, and like curves, it **cannot** be lower than 2, and higher than 6 or the number of control points on the relevant axis. Resolution ---------- Just like :ref:`NURBS curves `, *Resolution* controls the detail of the surface. The higher the *Resolution* the more detailed and smoother the surface is. The lower the *Resolution* the rougher the surface. However, here you have two resolution settings, one for each interpolation axis (U and V). Note that unlike with curves, you have only one resolution (the *Resolution* U and V fields, in the *Curve Tools* panel)... .. list-table:: * - .. figure:: /images/modeling_surfaces_introduction_resolution-1x1_wire.png - .. figure:: /images/modeling_surfaces_introduction_resolution-3x3_wire.png * - .. _fig-surface-intro-resolution1: .. figure:: /images/modeling_surfaces_introduction_resolution-1x1.png Resolution 1×1. - .. _fig-surface-intro-resolution2: .. figure:: /images/modeling_surfaces_introduction_resolution-3x3.png Resolution 3×3. Fig. :ref:`fig-surface-intro-resolution1` is an example of a surface resolution of 1 for both U and V. Fig. :ref:`fig-surface-intro-resolution2` surface is an example of a surface resolution of 3 for both U and V. Smooth ------