******* Gravity ******* Gravity is a global setting that is applied to all physics systems in a scene. It can be found in the scene tab. This value is generally fine left at its default, -9.810 on the Z-Axis, which is the force of gravity in the real world. Lowering this value would simulate a lower or higher force of gravity. Gravity denoted g, measurement *m* × *s*\ :sup:`-2`\). Gravity is applied in the same way to all physics systems. Gravity is practically the same around the entirety of planet *Earth*. For rendering scenes from the *Moon*, use a value six times smaller, e.g. 1.622 *m* × *s*\ :sup:`-2`\. The planet *Mars* has a gravity value of 3.69. .. note:: The gravity value per physics system can be scaled down in the *Field Weights* tab.