********* Toon Node ********* .. figure:: /images/render_cycles_nodes_shaders_toon-bsdf.png :align: right Toon Node. The *Toon* :abbr:`BSDF (Bidirectional scattering distribution function)` is used to create *Diffuse* and *Glossy* materials with cartoon light effects. Inputs ====== Color Color of the surface, or physically speaking, the probability that light is reflected for each wavelength. Size Parameter between 0.0 and 1.0 that gives an angle of reflection between 0° and 90°. Smooth This value specifies an angle over which a smooth transition from full to no reflection happens. Normal Normal used for shading; if nothing is connected the default shading normal is used. Properties ========== Component ToDo Outputs ======= BSDF Standard shader output. Examples ======== .. figure:: /images/cycles_nodes_shader_toon_example.jpg Toon Shader.