.. TODO/Review: {{review|copy=X}}. ********** Properties ********** .. _armature-bone-properties: .. admonition:: Reference :class: refbox | Mode: Edit Mode | Menu: :menuselection:`Armature --> Bone Settings --> ...` | Hotkey: :kbd:`Shift-W`, :kbd:`Ctrl-Shift-W`, :kbd:`Alt-W` Most bones' properties (excepted the transform ones) are regrouped in each bone's panels, in the *Bones* tab in *Edit Mode*. Let us detail them. Note that some of them are also available in the 3D Views, through the three pop-up menus within the same entry: - *Toggle Setting*: :kbd:`Shift-W` or :menuselection:`Armature --> Bone Settings --> Toggle a Setting` - *Enable Setting*: :kbd:`Ctrl-Shift-W` or :menuselection:`Armature --> Bone Settings --> Enable a Setting` - *Disable Setting*: :kbd:`Alt-W` or :menuselection:`Armature --> Bone Settings --> Disable a Setting` Draw Wire ToDo. Deform (also :kbd:`Shift-W` :menuselection:`--> (Deform, ...)`). Multiply Vertex Group by Envelope (also :kbd:`Shift-W` :menuselection:`--> (Multiply Vertex Group by Envelope, ...)`) These settings control how the bone influences its geometry, along with the bones' joints radius. This will be detailed in the :doc:`skinning part `. Inherit Rotation These settings affect the behavior of children bones while transforming their parent in *Pose Mode*, so this will be detailed in the :doc:`posing part ` ! Inherit Scale ToDo. Lock (also :kbd:`Shift-W` :menuselection:`--> (Locked, ...)`) This will prevent all editing of the bone in *Edit Mode*; see :doc:`previous page `.