Toggle & Radio Buttons

Checkboxes & Toggle Buttons


Toggle Buttons.

These buttons are used to activate or deactivate options. Use LMB to change their state.

On checkboxes a tick is shown when the option is activated. Toggle buttons are used to set an on/off status. When state is on, they appear like pressed (dark). Clicking this type of button will toggle a state but will not perform any operation. Some toggle buttons have an icon version for each state.


To change many values at once, you can LMB drag over multiple buttons, This works for checkboxes, toggles and to select a radio button value.


For layer buttons (a type of toggle button) it is often useful to hold Shift at the same time, to set or clear many layers at once.

Radio Buttons


Radio Buttons.

Radio buttons are used to choose from a small selection of “mutually exclusive” options.


Use Ctrl-Wheel, while hovering with the mouse over it, to cycle between the options. Cycling works also for number button and select menus.